Outreaching Activities

Talking about science to those outside the university, academic journals or conferences.

Adaptações do Metabolismo Redox Durante a Metamorfose de Insetos [Adaptations of the Redox Metabolism During Insect Metamorphosis] - 2022

My role: Author.

Type: Short article in the journal of the Federal District Research Foundation (FAPDF).

The article is available here (in Portuguese)

Uma Soneca por Todo o Inverno [A Nap throughout the Winter] - 2021

My role: Author.

Type: Article (Cover Article) in a science magazine for kids.

The article is available here (in Portuguese)

This article has been licensed for use in two elementary school textbooks. 

Nutri Tech: Natural Products and Quality of Life - 2021 

My role: Technical Coordinator.

Type: Video.

Funding: Federal parliamentary amendment.

The video is available here (in Portuguese)

Techniques and Technologies in a University Science Museum - 2019

My role: Supervision, Project Administration and Funding Acquisition.

Type: Exhibition.

Funding: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAPDF - Brazil).

Human Anatomy Museum: Science, Art and Inclusion - 2018

My role: Supervision, Project Administration and Funding Acquisition.

Type: Exhibition.

Funding: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAPDF - Brazil).

Nanoscience in the Palm of Your Hands: Social Inclusion through the Use of New Technologies - 2018

My role: Co-organizer.

Type: Exhibition.

Brief description: By demonstrating the use of additive manufacturing (3D printing) technology in the printing of enlarged models of very small (micro and nanoscopic scale) objects and organisms, we aimed at promoting a direct dialogue between the University of Brasilia and the population in general to address issues related to nanoscience. 

A video is available here (in Portuguese). 

Funding: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAPDF - Brazil).