Hi, I'm Daniel Moreira, a Biologist from Brazil.

Daniel Moreira, PhD


Faculty of Medicine

University of Brasilia

Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte

Brasilia, DF 70910900 Brazil

Featured Publications

Redox Biology and Comparative Biochemistry

Preparation for Oxidative Stress

Moreira DC et al. 2017. Current trends and research challenges regarding “preparation for oxidative stress.” Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 702. 

Moreira DC et al. 2016. How widespread is preparation for oxidative stress in the animal kingdom? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, 200, 64–78.

Hermes-Lima M et al. 2015. Preparation for oxidative stress under hypoxia and metabolic depression: Revisiting the proposal two decades later. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 89, 1122–1143.

Analytical (Bio)Chemistry

Moreira DC. 2023. RGBradford: Protein quantitation with a smartphone camera. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 199, e65547.

Natural Products and Biotechnology

Moreira DC et al. 2024. Frog-derived neuroprotective peptides. In M.R. de Oliveira (Ed.), Natural Molecules in Neuroprotection and Neurotoxicity.

Barbosa EA et al. 2021. The peptide secreted at the water to land transition in a model amphibian has antioxidant effects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288, 20211531.

Barbosa EA et al. 2018. Structure and function of a novel antioxidant peptide from the skin of Tropical frogs. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 115, 68–79.